Monday, February 21, 2011

Whats been going on!

So I know I havent been keeping up with my blog as I should, but man, i have been busy! So, I'm really looking forward to spring break because my friend and I are going to Elk Grove California! I have always wanted to travel to Cali, and nwo i have been given the chance! other then that, i have been working super hard at school, and working my part time job at the easy stop. I try to make time for friends in between, but i know i will have plenty of time for that this summer! Im really hoping we dont get any more snow because quite frankly, im getting sick of it!! So thats whats been kind of going on in my life as of now!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


all girls look up to their fathers no matter who you are! I was deffinitly one of them! i loved my father with all my heart, unfortunatly he passed when i was 5. All my favorite memories begin with my dad! when i was little we would drap big blankets over my bunkbed and play castle! I was the princess and he was the king, i always insited my sister be the joker...but there was no suck luck ha! he flew airplanes and i loved playing airplanes with him! hed lift me in the air and it was like i was flying! i love going back to that time!

Monday, February 7, 2011

busy busy busy...and did i mention busy?

can you believe that im so busy that im blogging on my phone right now? its been a stressfull last two weeks for me and i just need a break! im at work thinking about all i need to get done before tomorrow and im freaking out! I graduate next year, although im saying next spring because it just sounds better! :) ha! anyway, i know i will be super busy once i move out and head to a 4 year school, but i need some time to think! this has been  a crazy semester! between work, tests, homework, and papers i have due, im drowning...can someone please throw me a floaty!!
