Link to each other this week: here's how. On the sidebar of my page "East Side Professor" to which now you all have a link... scroll down to view the "Creative Writing Blogs" Click on one of your classmates links so that you can grab their URL. Copy it and then go back to your page. Go to "Design" then in your blog list link and paste their address in the "Add by URL."
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post these rules on your blog
3. Tell about your six quirks, see below.
4. Tag three bloggers to do the same
5. Leave them a comment to let them know you’ve tagged them
My six quirks
~ Music is my life
Every time I come to a stressful situation in my life i can put on my i pod and just jam out. Instantly feel better after this. I always have music playing in my room, from the time I wake up to the time I got to bed! I need that in my life. I sing, and play the piano. I don't know where I would be without music!
~ I'm a huge fan of Word of the day calendars!
This all started with my grandfather, he loved learning new words and using them in sentences every day! It would drive my family nuts, but I took a strange liking to it and became my grandpas best friend! Every year I get a new calendar and I love it! Its weird how something so little like that can bring two people together!
~ I tend to count syllables when people are talking to me or a group
Don't ask me how this started, but I do it all the time now! When I was little I remember learning about syllables and how to count them. I started taking what people said and counting how many they would use in a sentence! I did this just sometimes and it became a habit that I just cant break! Some people know that I'm doing it and it drives them crazy because they think I'm concentrating on the counting thing, but really i know exactly what your saying! Its just something I have to live with!
~ I'm a very picky eater...but I wouldn't have it any other way
When I was little I would eat anything, but as i got older I took a major change! I became a vegetarian for a whole year. This changed the way i ate for forever! I still don't eat red meat or pork, but i do now eat chicken and fish! I don't eat anything that looks mushy and if it has a hint of a bad smell to it..FORGET IT! I don't eat spaghetti because it looks like worms, in facet the only kind of noodles i eat it pene noodles or bow tie. I don't like any kind of green sauce and trust me, the list goes on! I pick at my food before i eat it as well. I pick through my food when I'm not sure what it is. To many this may seem like something that you don't want..but me, I love being this way! sure, it limits me to try new things, but at least I know what I'm eating!
~ I'm a very peaceful person, I can get along with just about anyone and I'm always smiling
People have actually described me as a little light in their life..weird, I know, but its true in a way! I like to be there for people and make them happy! I have three goals I try to meet everyday..1) Make myself happy 2) Make someone else happy and 3) Be there for a friend. I live by these because this is what my father taught me to do! I would rather spread peace then hate!
~ I connect with animals
No, I'm not saying I can talk to them, which would be soooo cool if i could, but I can connect with them and train them! I have 3 horses, all of which were wild when we got them. I was the only one that could be near them, one, Riley, is now a jumper which I have in competitions, the other, Hugs, is a show horse and the third one, Stormy, well, hes still a wild guy but the sweetest horse you will ever ride! When we got these horses we couldn't even bring a saddle near them without one running away! I worked so hard and the reward is priceless! Some days I will go out to the pasture and just sit with them! Its so calming and therapeutic! I also have a way with wild cats and dogs, I love animals, I always will, and I think what I have is definitely a gift!I volunteer at the animal shelter and I get to meet the best dogs and cats you will ever own!
Now, who shall I tag..
~ Blog a dog
~ Wild at heart
~ New kid on the block
Tag! Your it!
Can you imagine a world without music? I am glad we don't have to!